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Usui Reiki School : News
Reiki Treatment


I teach all levels of Usui Reiki 1-1 or classes up to 4. 
The more you use Reiki by doing self-treatments and practising on others, the more you release and raise your own frequency & vibration, which means you are a clearer channel for flowing energy. 

 If you think of your body/energy system as a funnel that has ‘stuff’ around the sides, stuck to the walls of the funnel and water is poured through, there will not be an easy flow through the funnel. It may take longer for the water to flow through, and thus the flow is not at its full capacity.  
The ‘stuff’ needs to be released in order to flow freely.This is the same as going through your own ‘stuff’, by balancing your Chakras, your energy field and by using Reiki on yourself every day, you are building foundations to better health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual development, removing stagnant energy, the piecing puzzles, moving forward positively and overall holistic stability.
  In turn the energy can flow through you to other people more freely, unrestricted too. 
 Following the guidelines can help you with the clearing of ‘stuff’ not only on a vibrational level but on a physical level too, by taking better care of yourself on a holistic level.
I hope you can make the right decision to really make a commitment to learning & practising Reiki, which will change your life for the better, forever.

1st Degree ~ 

This Reiki Degree includes an introduction to Reiki, the human energy field & the 7 main chakras, which will give you first-hand understanding of the subtle bodies. 
You will receive your 1st Reiki attunement, receiving the first sacred power symbol ‘Cho Ku Rai’.
This symbol "turns on the switch" of Reiki energy flow, and translates roughly to: 
"Focusing the energy of the universe here." 

Learn the origin & history of Reiki. 
Learn the 5 principles of Reiki. 
Learn the 7 main chakras ( energy centres) in the body as well as meridians.
Learn about the healing benefits of crystals & which ones support your 7 main chakras & how you can incorporate these into your Reiki Practice.
Learn how to cleanse & ground your energy & space. 
Learn how to use a pendulum to detect unbalanced chakras. 
Learn Reiki hand placements from the original teachings of Dr. Usui. 
Learn & practice a Reiki treatment on yourself.
Receive your first sacred Reiki symbol during your first attunement. Complete a 21 day Self healing journal. 
Receive your Usui Reiki 1st Degree Certification upon completion of the course. 
The course is a mixture of theoretical teaching and hands-on practice. 

All students will be provided with ~ 
A Usui Reiki Level 1 learning manual. 7 Chakra crystals in a bag. A Pendulum. An Energy Cleansing kit. A chakra healing journal. A 21 day Reiki Self Healing Journal & A framed accredited certificate upon completion of the course. 

This course is split into 3 half days. 

11:30 a.m ~ 2:30 p.m 
Monday ~ Friday ( Term time only.) 

Or 6 evenings. Monday’s & Wednesday’s ~

8:00 p.m ~ 9:30 p.m, over 3 or 6 weeks. 
3 days / 5 evenings prior to your 21 days of Self healing & 1 day / evening following completion of your 21 days self healing. 

This course is available for an introductory price of £137 ( until December 2024.) 

Normally £173. 

2nd Degree ( Practitioner Level )  ~ 

After waiting a further 2 months following your 21 days of self healing, you can complete this level, when you feel ready to, if you wish to continue your Reiki journey and or become a practitioner or Master. 

Reiki 2nd Degree focuses on the inner teachings of Usui Reiki Ryoho. 

Second-degree Reiki is also known as the mental / emotional level.
 It helps you get in touch with your emotions, become aware of how they affect the quality of your life and heal learned patterns of behaviour.
Completing this level will enable you to practice Reiki on others, as well as yourself. 

On completion of the course, during your attunement you will receive a further 2 sacred symbols ~
 Sei Hei Ki, which can be used to empower your body, clear past lives or traumas, and attract positive energy into your life moving forward. 
The 2nd Reiki symbol Sei Hei Ki, is the Harmony Symbol. 
Its rough translation is:
 "Earth and Sky Meet," indicating harmony between the celestial and the earthly energy forces. 
It is also about harmony between mental and emotional energy, and the wild creativity of the right brain, versus logic and order of the left brain.
The 3rd symbol is Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, the Distance Healing symbol. 
Its rough translation is:
 "Across past, present, and future," and empowers Reiki healing across those elements of time and space. 
Distance Reiki, for example, can be used to help those who are not in the same geographical space, or even in the same time period.

The course is a mixture of theoretical teaching and hands-on practice, and will contain substantial revision of Reiki 1st Degree. 

You will demonstrate what you’ve learnt & practiced in your 1st Degree. 
You will demonstrate your own Reiki Self-treatment for at least 3 minutes per hand position and use the sacred symbols on your own Chakras and energy field. 
You will learn Reiki chants & meditation to integrate the symbols into your practice.
You will learn more about chakras & meridians. 
You will learn how to use the Reiki hand positions on someone else. 
You will demonstrate a healing on myself & another person. 
You will learn more about how to incorporate crystals into your practice 
You will learn about how to start up your own business & get insured. 

 You will provide coursework of 5 hands on healing treatments and 15 distant healing treatments to be carried out within 1 year of completion of this course. 

You will receive your attunement. 

All students will receive ~ 

A Reiki 2nd Degree learning Manual. A Reiki Log book. A coursework folder. A framed accredited certificate upon completion of the course. Your Reiki Lineage. 

This course is split into 4 half days or 8 evenings prior to your coursework & 1 following completion of your coursework. 
Mondays ~ Fridays ~
11:30 a.m ~ 2:30 p.m  ( Term time only.) 
Or Monday’s & Wednesday’s ~ 8:00 p.m ~ 9:30 p.m, over 7 or 14 weeks prior to your coursework & 1 following completion of your coursework.

The cost of this course is £191. 


All hail the powerful Dai ko myo, or master symbol.
 This symbol is a nourishing and enlightening one, and it is the most sacred of Reiki symbols. 
It also has the highest vibration, and it has the most transformative power of all of the Reiki symbols.
The fourth of the four main Usui Reiki symbols is Dai Ko Myo, the Master Symbol, Its rough translation is ~  "Great Shining Light," because this symbol is about connecting with universal life force energy of the universe~ beyond the limitations of the human, earthy world.
The fifth and final symbol is Raku, the completion symbol. 
The course is a mixture of theoretical teaching and hands-on practice, and will contain substantial revision of Reiki 1st & 2nd Degrees. 

You will provide coursework of at least 15 hands on healing treatments and 15 distant healing treatments to be carried out in the 12 month period following your 2nd Degree. You will demonstrate a Reiki healing on myself & someone else.
You will learn to use the Usui and Tibetan master symbols to strengthen your own Reiki and to also enable you to pass Reiki attunements to your future students. 
You will demonstrate all you have learnt and practiced in your 1st & 2nd Degrees. 
You will learn & demonstrate how to conduct an attunement. 
You will receive your final sacred attunement & receive your final Power Reiki Symbol. 
Upon completion of the course you will receive a framed accredited certificate.

Students will be provided with a ~ 
A Reiki Masters Degree Manual &   Spiritual & wellbeing tools to support your future attunements.  Your Reiki lineage. 
You are now the Master of your universe & your future! 

This course is split into 4 half days. - 
11:30 a.m ~ 2:30 p.m ~ Monday ~ Friday ( Term time only. ) 
Or Monday’s & Wednesday’s ~ Over 4 weeks or 8 weeks. 8:00 p.m ~ 9:30 p.m 
The cost of this course is £257. 

A £50 deposit is required upon booking each course & instalments are welcome, as long as the full balance has been paid before your course begins. 

All courses can be adapted for you to suit your timetable, as long as you can attend the times listed. 

On going support is provided. 

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